Friday, July 10, 2020

Jazz up your Blog!!!

     I know it's been a while since my last post. Life happens sometimes. Nevertheless, I am back with a great way to jazz up that blog.  I have only been blogging since January but boy have I learned a lot; mostly through trial and error.  Have you ever looked at someone else's blog and wondered how everything matches? Well they either pay for it or they create it themselves.  You know my blog is called Blog FRUGALLY, so creativity is much obliged here.  Don't think twice about it or tell yourself how tech-deficient you are. No, just give yourself a try.  

   One way to jazz up your blog is to add some personality. Your personality silly.  I added some self made share buttons to match my blog as well as some tab icons to match my blog. Also, I went a little crazy with my Bitmoji😁😋.  I have multiple blogs  so I had a little challenge.  Change is good. I mean you wouldn't wear the same attire everyday or eat the same dinner every night. So you can jazz up that blog!  Put your stamp on it. I wanted my blog to say me all over it. Face it, if you don't like how your blog looks then you probably want make it a priority. If you don't see value in it then no one else will.  Like I said earlier, I have two blogs and here are some icons I created myself:

You can even click on the links below to see how everything looks together.

Are you convinced yet and would like to give it a try? If so, here's what you will need:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • (photo sharing site)
  • self made icon images or clip art images
  • Bitmoji (if you're into that) You must add it as an extension to your web browser.
  • Time & patience
So here is a video of how to create  and ad your share buttons to your blogger site. This video is very extensive but super easy. Good Luck!!! 
P.S. Have fun jazzzzzzing up your blog!!!

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Jazz up your Blog!!!

     I know it's been a while since my last post. Life happens sometimes. Nevertheless, I am back with a great way to jazz up that blog....