Canva is a site that allows you to create graphic designs for whatever you are doing. Canva also has tutorials in the tab that says learning. I've always told myself that I wanted to learn more about graphic design. With Canva I learn something new everytime I create a design. Here's a quick video on branding:
"What is Branding"
First, Canva is great for creating your logo. I say logo first because, it's your stamp, your signature so to speak. Then your logo becomes the center of other things you make. In Canva you can make Facebook covers, Instagram posts, posters, brochures, and much more. All you have to do is incorporate your logo in the graphic designs you make. And there, you've started the branding process.
Truthfully, I'm still learning and on my journey but its all coming together. Honestly, when I started blogging I had content but my branding was a hot mess. So now I'm backtracking and putting my stamp on everything I create from here on out.
Speaking of backtracking, Canva must of known that I would be changing my products often because, with Canva you really can. So I had already created tons of content for my blog but it was all over the place but when I decided on my logo all had to was edit them in Canva. So the links I placed in my blog from Canva simply updated automatically. I didn't have to go back in my layout and reinsert links. Canvas did it for me.π
Here's some things I updated in Canva but now with some brand personalization.